Coffee Mug Trees

Buy or review table top coffee mug trees. Looking for a wrought iron, wooden, or painted black coffee mug rack? Find information about coffee mug holders for 4, 6, 8 or more mugs.

Wooden Tree

Probably the most common type of mug tree is a wooden one.

They are inexpensive and made of natural materials.

Wooden coffee mug holders can be made of bamboo, beach wood, or other woods.

They typically have 4, 6, or 8 wooden arms attached to a central post.

The arms are located across from each other to keep the rack balanced.

Metal Mug Tree

Metal coffee trees can be made from chrome, steel, wrought iron or aluminum.

They are typically more durable than wood, but also cost a bit more due to the sturdier materials.

Metal racks can also be welded or molded into some pretty creative shapes, including scroll work and leaves.

Chrome and Nickle normally have a shiny silver colored finish.

Steel is often painted with a textured black paint to recreate the look of wrought iron at a more affordable price.

Wrought iron has a dark, rustic surface.

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