Small Electric Kilns for Sale

Getting a kiln is often the hardest part of setting up a pottery studio. Check out these little electric kilns for sale if you don't have access to a big 220 volt plugin.

Many of these run on the smaller 120 volt standard household plug, so you may be able to use them in a garage or basement without doing any re-wiring. (Be sure to follow the owners manual for safe operation).

Delphi Ez-Pro Deluxe 15" x 6" Kiln

This little guy is a 15" by 6" electric kiln designed for glass and ceramics. Obviously it has a small capacity, but that can be worth the trade-off for being able to avoid re-wiring your house, especially if you are an occasional hobby potter. If you are throwing a lot of pottery and want to fire 10 or more pieces a week or want to throw larger pots, this kiln wouldn't be the right choice.

Pro's and Con's of Small Electric Kilns

Pro - Get by with standard 120 volt household plug for power (no re-wiring)

Pro - Light weight and portable for nomadic types

Pro - Takes up a lot less space than a large electric kiln

Pro - Cheaper to buy

Con - Limited firing space means fewer pieces fired

Con - Limited space means you can only fire small pieces

Con - Max firing temperatures may be lower on some small electric kiln models

To see a long list of smaller electric kilns for sale including Skutt Kilns, Paragon Kilns, L & L Kilns and more see the Big Ceramic Store.

Or check out the kiln from the top of this page on

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