pottery and woodworking in the same space

by Amanda
(St. Charles, MO USA)

Amanda's Question:
Hi, I was looking for information about the logistics of having a pottery studio and a wood shop in the same space. My SO and I are looking at sharing a space for our separate and messy hobbies. We have a long portion of the basement with a sliding glass door on one side and a wet bar on the other, and an electrical box in the middle. I'm thinking the end with the water would be great for pottery, and the access outdoors would be great for my SO's woodworking. I read on your website that your friend allotted you space in his wood shop and I was wondering if you could provide insight into how well (or poorly) those two activities and spaces work side-by-side. I'm concerned with perhaps sawdust in my clay, etc. We could potentially build a wall between the two spaces... thank you for your time in replying!

Steve's Response:
Hi, yes it is possible. I think a wall would be brilliant if you can manage that. My friend's woodshop was never used, so I didn't have to contend with sawdust, but that would be a very real problem in an active woodshop. You also need to be very concerned about sawdust in conjunction with a kiln as far as fire safety goes. Other than that, I'm not sure there would be any other concerns.

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