Quick, Easy Way to Finish a Rim

by Steve McDonald
(Idaho Falls, Idaho)

Using a strip of plastic to finish a rim

Using a strip of plastic to finish a rim

Here's a simple tip that I wish I had been shown when I was first learning pottery.

I finish the rims of my pots using a quick, easy trick that leaves them polished smooth and perfectly rounded every time. Here's how to do it:

First, cut a 2" x 5" strip out of an ordinary plastic grocery bag. Next, fold it in half lengthwise, so it is 1" x 5".

Spin the pottery wheel slowly. Holding tightly onto each end of the plastic strip, gently wrap it over the lip of the rim.

Notice how the plastic polishes and smooths it. Adjust your hand position and pressure to create just the right shape that you want for your rim.

Be careful not to push down too hard. You don't want to collapse the rim.

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