Used Pottery Equipment

Where can I find used pottery equipment for sale? Here are some tips for finding used pottery and ceramics supplies, wheels, kilns, and parts for sale.

For the best deals on used pottery wheels and kilns check the larger cities on Craigslist as well as pottery and ceramic forums.

It's best if you can find one for sale near you as shipping costs over long distances can reduce your savings in buying used pottery supplies.

Ask around at local pottery supply stores and pottery studios. Often you can find someone who is cleaning out their garage or moving or even getting rid of an entire studio setup.

Paint-Your-Own-Ceramics stores tend to come and go rather quickly and when they go they'll often sell off all of their kilns.

Ebay is another good way to find an inexpensive deal on a used pottery wheel or used pottery kiln.

Do your research before bidding.

For wheels you can check out my electric pottery wheel page for tips, ideas, and reviews of many of the major pottery wheel brands.

There is also a page dedicated to how to buy a used pottery wheel.

Finally, check out this article about the different types of ceramic kilns available to you as a potter.

Always be sure to check out your used equipment before you buy it and don't be afraid to ask for a discount if dealing with an individual.

I found one pottery wheel on an online bulletin board. I had to drive a long ways to pick it up, but it was half price and I learned a lot from the guy I bought it from.

The kiln I currently use actually belongs to a friend of mine. She has been carrying it around for years waiting for a chance to use it.

I told her I would store it and maintain it if I could use it. What a great deal for both of us!!

Keep your eyes and ears open. Opportunities abound.

Thanks for reading and Happy Hunting.

Finally, remember you can often find an inexpensive deal on used pottery wheels or .

Used Pottery Wheels

Used Pottery Kilns

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