Duncan Kilns

If you are looking for Duncan Kilns like the dk820x-2, kiln parts, or instruction manuals find answers here.

Many people are still searching for kilns, manuals and repair parts from Duncan. Unfortunately, they no longer make their kilns. They haven't made them for a number of years.

Fortunately, their kilns are now made by Paragon Kilns.

I believe Paragon continues to service Duncan parts for repair. They also have many of the Duncan instruction manuals on the Paragon website along with the Paragon kiln instruction manuals.

Other than that, a lot of used Duncan Kilns are still floating around on Ebay and other sites, so if you are specifically looking for a Duncan, there is still plenty of hope of finding one.

If you are open to exploring other great brands, I recommend looking into the Paragon, L&L, Cress or Skutt lines. All of these manufacturers create quality kilns. Several of them have been around for over half a century and have long histories of serving the pottery and ceramics community.

Read all about the different kiln manufacturers at the main Ceramic Kiln Manufacturers page.

Thanks for reading, happy hunting, and happy potting.

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